Holo - A Graphic Adventure
View the Holo Episodes
Holo is an episodic graphic adventure featuring an
animated storyline and arcade-style games.
Available now on the World Wide Web,
each episode contains the further adventures of Holo, the main
character, and a game that helps advance the story. The games
vary from arcade-style action games to puzzles based on patterns
and logic.
The story takes place in the near
future. A comprehensive computer network becomes a fertile
environment for the generation of intelligence and Holo is born
inside this network. Holo lives inside the communications
network and can go anywhere the network goes. Holo is a new
life form: the Adam of his epoch.
In coming episodes, we will watch Holo
try to understand his world and find his own destiny. The show
explores many themes including making moral choices, learning
how to learn, evolution, the innocence of childhood, the
relationship of people to technology, fighting evil and
exploring a magical foreign land.
This combination of episodic
storytelling and interactive gaming is a new art form. This
show developed for the World Wide Web is distinguished by its
high quality graphics, intriguing storyline, open-ended games
married to the storyline, and sophisticated use of advanced
Internet technologies.
Copyright (c) 1996 - 98 Kallisto Productions, Inc.